Rataora RapidReferral Screening at the cutting edge. Identifying issues and connecting people to the care and services they need.

The RapidReferral iPad app with its easy to use screens and inbuilt logic, helps you screen clients, enabling you to develop and undertake fully informed care solutions.

Keen to try RapidReferral?

The latest version of RapidReferral will be available in late November 2016.
This native iPad app has resulted from work developed for the NZ Police and operates successfully even without a reliable internet connection. RapidReferral offers intelligent results interpretation, provides a section of free to use screens and supports custom screens!

Interested? Register now and we’ll be in touch soon.

Why RapidReferal?

Within the health and welfare sector there’s an increasing responsibility for professionals on the frontline to not only identify and address current, but prevent further harm.

RapidReferral has been developed to guide you through this process, by helping you identify issues concerning a person’s wellbeing, get information on their nature and severity and recommend further referrals where needed. This is all achieved while balancing the rigour of a quality assessment, with the often time-pressured environment where screening takes place.

Key Features


RapidReferral uses innovative software with a simple design interface to make the Screening, Brief Interventions and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) experience as pain-free as possible

Follows Best Practice

RapidReferral has been developed using the latest SBIRT research, and is consistent with professional guidelines and outcomes research.

Easily Customisable

RapidReferral is easily customisable to meet the needs of your service, providing you with tailored questionnaires and your own referral networks.

Intelligent Interpretation

RapidReferral includes interpretation of the results of questionnaires and recommends further action where needed.

Time Efficient

RapidReferral is designed with time-pressured environments in mind, using tiered questionnaires to rapidly filter out those not requiring further screening questions.

Connects to Referral Networks

Information collected from the the screens can be uploaded to a case management system (CaseStream) that allows services to collaborate using a common management plan, tracking, text messaging, emails and case notes.

Wellington Hospital Emergency Department have used Rataora to screen patients on the Friday and Saturday night shifts.

Over three years 3,424 patients have been screened of which 1,263 were identified as having an Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). People with a AUD were referred to a network of treatment services that included their GP; University Health Services; DHB outpatient alcohol and drug treatment service; and community based treatment providers. Some received weekly text messages

Police have been used Rataora at the Whanganui Station for almost 3 years and have screened 1,008 people on 1,239 occasions. Screening identified 622 people who had an AUD (including significant binge drinking) or used other drugs and wanted help to stop. This group of 622 were contacted by a psychologist by text or phone and where possible a referral made to a network of treatment providers.

A research paper outlining implementation and outcomes can be downloaded here.

We work with

Keen to try RapidReferral?

The latest version of RapidReferral will be available in late November 2016.
This native iPad app has resulted from work developed for the NZ Police and operates successfully even without a reliable internet connection. RapidReferral offers intelligent results interpretation, provides a section of free to use screens and supports custom screens!

Interested? Register now and we’ll be in touch soon.

Maximise Impact with CaseStream

CaseStream is our client-centric case management system– available anywhere and anytime, secure and innovative.

One case is created for each client, and all case workers (even if they’re from different agencies!) are assigned to the case, each with specific roles and tasks. Clients and case workers can easily communicate within a secure environment. CaseStream supports effective case work with email alerts, session booking, note recording and questionnaire, and it includes powerful datamining and inbuilt reports.

CaseStream is already used by three university based clinical services, two social services and the New Zealand Police.

Want to know more? Please contact Don Smith.

About Rataora

Rataora’s systems combine research evidence with innovative software to help health and welfare professionals deliver best practice, and connect people at risk to the services they need.

Using customisable web-based software, Rataora works to optimise intervention experiences and work towards prevention of further harm, and ultimately wellness.